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Get Dental Bridges in Liverpool: All You Need to Know


It is not uncommon for people with missing teeth to ask about what it takes to get dental bridges in Liverpool or anywhere they might be. It is one of the restorative dental procedures you can undergo to restore the look and function of your teeth. As the name implies, dental bridges bridge the gap where your tooth is missing.

If you are anywhere in the UK and thinking of getting dental bridges, you can trust Northway Dental practice for the best result. With a dental bridge, we can help restore your beautiful smile while also improving the functionality of your teeth.

We have put this article together to help people who seem to be new to the procedure. We have searched through our archive to see the most common questions our first-time patients ask about dental bridges. You may find them really helpful too.

First, What Are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is a type of dental restoration that is used to replace one or more missing teeth. It is called a bridge because it is literally bridging the gap created by the missing tooth or teeth. The bridge consists of one or more artificial teeth, known as pontics, that are held in place by crowns on either side of the gap.

The pontic is designed to match the color, shape, and size of the natural teeth and is used to restore the function and appearance of the teeth. The pontic is an important part of the dental bridge. It helps to prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of place and maintains the natural alignment of the teeth.

Dental bridges in Liverpool

Who Needs a Dental Bridge?

Anyone who has one or more missing teeth may be a candidate for a dental bridge. A dental bridge is typically recommended when the missing tooth or teeth are located in a prominent part of the mouth, such as the front teeth, as it can restore the appearance of the teeth and improve the person’s smile.

A dental bridge may also be recommended if the missing tooth or teeth are affecting the person’s ability to speak or chew properly. It’s also a great option if the missing teeth are causing the remaining teeth to shift out of place.

In general, a dental bridge is great for anyone who wants to restore the function and appearance of their teeth. If this sounds like you, then contact us now to discuss how dental bridges Liverpool can come to your rescue.

What Types of Dental Bridges Are Available?

If you are asking about getting dental bridges in Ormskirk, you will want to know what types are available. On that premise, there are four main types of bridges, including:

Traditional fixed bridge: This is the most common type around. It has two or more crowns that are connected to a filler tooth or teeth. These crowns are what keep the bridge in place. This type of bridge is made of metal, ceramics, or porcelain fused to metal.

Cantilever bridge: This type of bridge involves the pontic being connected to only one abutment tooth. This is usually a perfect option for people who have teeth on only one side of the gap.

Implant-supported bridge: This type is very similar to traditional bridges. But here, instead of the tooth being cemented in place, it is held in place by implants.

Maryland dental bridge: This is a perfect option for people with missing front teeth. The bridges are made of porcelain fused to metal or ceramic teeth.

What Is An Alternative to a Dental Bridge?

One alternative to a dental bridge is a dental implant. A dental implant is a small titanium post that is surgically placed into the jawbone to replace the missing tooth root.

The implant acts as a foundation for a replacement tooth known as a crown. An advantage of implants is that they don’t need support from the other teeth. You will, however, need to consult your dentist to know the best option for you.

How Common Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are a common dental solution in the UK. Many people with missing teeth go for this option to restore their smile and get their teeth back into function. So, if you are considering a dental bridge for your condition, you can be sure you are not alone.

Dental Bridges in Liverpool; Do They Have Any Risks or Complications?

Like any medical or dental procedure, dental bridges in Liverpool can have risks or complications. Some potential risks and complications of dental bridges include:

Infection: There is a small risk of infection at the site where the bridge is placed, especially if the person has poor oral hygiene or if the dentist does not follow proper sterilization procedures.

Sensitivity: The teeth and gums around the bridge may be sensitive for a period of time after the procedure. This is especially the case if the person has sensitive teeth or does not use a soft-bristled toothbrush or toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Damage to natural teeth: The teeth that support the crowns of the dental bridge can be damaged if the person bites or chews on hard objects. It also happens if they do not practice good oral hygiene.

Loosening or displacement: The bridge may loosen or become displaced if the person does not practice good oral hygiene. This includes biting or chewing on hard objects.

Allergic reaction: Rarely, a person may have an allergic reaction to the materials used in the dental bridge, such as porcelain or gold.

It is important to discuss any potential risks and complications with a dentist before undergoing a dental bridge procedure. Contact us at Northway Dental to get more information and help you need to make an informed decision about the procedure.

Getting dental bridges in Ormskirk

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

The lifespan of a dental bridge can vary depending on several factors. These include the person’s oral hygiene habits, diet, and the type of materials used in the bridge. On average, a dental bridge can last for 5 to 10 years before it needs to be replaced.

With proper care and maintenance, a dental bridge can last for many years and may even last for a lifetime in some cases.

It is important for you to practice good oral hygiene. Avoid biting or chewing on hard objects and visit the dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings to help extend the lifespan of their dental bridge.

Is It Hard to Eat with a Dental Bridge?

It is not necessarily hard to eat with a dental bridge, but it may take some time for the person to adjust to the feeling of the bridge in their mouth. The person may need to try different foods and eating techniques at first to find what works best for them.

Will the Dental Bridge Change How I Speak?

A dental bridge may affect the way a person speaks, but it is usually not a significant change. The bridge may feel unusual in the mouth at first, which can make it difficult for the person to speak clearly.

However, with time and practice, most people are able to adjust to the feeling of the bridge and continue speaking normally. The pontic may also cause the person to produce different sounds when speaking. But this is typically not a major issue.

If the person is having difficulty speaking after getting a dental bridge, they should talk to their dentist, who can offer advice and suggestions to help them adjust.

How Do I Care for My Dental Bridge?

Caring for a dental bridge is similar to caring for natural teeth.

You should brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

Floss daily to remove plaque and food debris from between the teeth and under the bridge.

Avoid biting or chewing on hard or sticky foods, such as nuts, candy, or gum, as these can damage the dental bridge.

Avoid using tobacco products, as these can stain the teeth and increase the risk of gum disease.

It is also important that you visit the dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings to ensure that the bridge is in good condition and to detect any potential problems early on.

What Is the Cost of Dental Bridges Liverpool?

There is no one-size-fits-all cost for dental bridges. The cost varies depending on some factors, including the type of bridge you are going for and your location. Additionally, you will be paying less if you have dental insurance. It typically pays a percentage of the treatment.

Can I Get A Dental Bridge On the NHS?

In the UK, dental bridges are available on the National Health Service (NHS) for eligible patients. The NHS provides a range of dental treatments, including bridges, at no cost to the patient or at a reduced cost.

To be eligible for NHS dental treatment, the person must be a UK resident and meet certain criteria, such as having a low income or receiving certain benefits.

Final Note on Getting Dental Bridges in Liverpool

Missing teeth do not only affect your smile but can also have a toll on the way you eat and talk. A dental bridge can be the ultimate solution you need for your missing teeth.

The procedure is used to fill the gap caused by missing teeth, and it can last for several years if properly maintained. If you need dental bridges in Liverpool or dental bridges in Ormskirk, you can contact us at Northway Dental Practice.

Not sure if it is the best option for you? You can schedule a consultation with our professional dentist to discuss your need. Call us on 0151 526 2701 or use the contact form. We will be glad to help!



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    • Northway Dental Practice
    • 44 Northway
    • Maghull
    • Liverpool
    • L31 5LJ
  • 0151 526 2701